Thursday 15 May 2014

Subject  :RE Oct 31,2013 letter from U.S.Dept of Justice, Civil Rights Div.

Open letter to the Civil Rights Div U.S.Dept of Justice.

Synopsis of actual facts in chronological order.

Open letter response to the United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. This DOJ letter once again threw up a wall between justice and the victim's of Smajo Dzurlic. These eight know victims include my sister, Mary Beal. Once again this DOJ letter uses the bureaucratic shuffle to avoid discussing the true problem of unprofessional Zionist authorities using their public office to advance personal, pro-Jewish agendas.

In your first paragraph although you acknowledge that you are aware that I had written other letters to the Dept of Justice relating to this matter, you state that you are responding only to the letter I wrote to president Obama. I'm puzzled as to why you chose to respond only to this one sole letter and not the others? Are only people who contact the White House entitled to a response from the DOJ?

All of the circumstances surrounding these serial murders and the subsequent unprofessional behavior by the cited law enforcement officials are quite complicated and extensive, how then is it possible to make a valid and informed judgment based upon this one letter alone? How can you claim to have carefully reviewed the information I furnished when you never read the contents of the other letters? If you were really concerned about justice and civil rights, as your letterhead implies, you would be asking me to provide you with all the evidence and documents I have on the matter, so that you could conduct a professional investigation on the misconduct by the authorities involved in this criminal conspiracy of institutionalized racism. I think it is extremely pertinent that the recent campaign to re-elect a new DA for Kings County and Mayor of New York, have echoed these very same allegations.

Now is the time to conduct a real and honest investigation of these corrupt officials. After all, this does not concern a mere traffic ticket, but the mutilation and murder of 7 other women (other than my sister ) by the serial murderer Smajo Dzurlic due to the misconduct of government officials. It's time that we progress as a nation joining those other, more civilized nations where they hold law enforcement officials accountable for their actions, instead of permitting them to operate outside of the very law they are sworn to uphold. Americans no longer respect or believe in their government, especially the criminal justice system. Would it not be a first for this or any previous administration of our government to do the right thing and start restoring its badly tarnished image?

I have sent numerous articles found in the news media, citing example after example of these same officials involvement in misconduct and racism, of giving preferential treatment to members of the Jewish Community, at the cost of all other New York citizens. These same officials have additionally been blasted by a number of judges for many criminal acts of wrongdoing. If there ever was enough evidence to investigate and bring charges against law enforcement officials for criminal wrongdoing and institutional racism this is it. Instead your letter completely ignores their crimes and praises them instead citing their very own fabricated, untrue version of events and how “they were responsible” for tracking the murderer down.

I respectfully disagree with your statement that “ADA Besunder and a homicide detective in the cold case squad tracked and captured the perpetrator in 2007”. I'm enclosing several news articles where this same detective admits that it was a COINCIDENCE and therefore not his good work that led to the capture of this serial murderer. It was the Montenegro authorities that discovered the cut up bodies of two women in Albania (similar to that of my sister in Brooklyn in 1990) that caused them to seek the assistance of the Balkan stationed FBI in identifying the bodies, which ultimately led to and connected the almost identical five other mutilations and murders in Belgium and subsequently to that of my sister Mary Beal.

You also mention a family member as being my sister's nephew who stated as to how wonderful it was to have closure to such a HORRIBLE thing. The way the New York authorities conducted this murder investigation from the very beginning until today is no less HORRIBLE and EVIL then the crimes of mutilation and murder of the killer's eight victims. When the world news media announced that Smajo Dzurlic known as the “butcher of Mons” Belgium was apprehended by the Montenegrin authorities and believed to have mutilated and murdered 8 women, it appears the entire NYPD police dept wanted to take credit. One only need to go on the web to see just how desperate they were from Police commissioner Kelly down the chain of command, to claim their 5 minutes of glory. Since the NYPD knew I, the brother of Mary Beal, was highly critical of their performance in allowing the killer to evade justice and would expose them for the frauds they really were. They did not contact me but instead contacted a distant relative Johnny Figueroa for a stamp of approval, a want to be detective and a jailer at the Cook County jail in Chicago who craved the spotlight.

Long before Smajo Dzurlic mutilated and murdered (see letters from 93-95 encl.) the other 7 victims, my lawyer and I called, wrote and pleaded with ADA Jon Besunder, Mr. Omeara and DA Hynes as well as the homicide detectives, Commissioner
Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg to bring this killer to justice. Regardless of the fact that we had given these police and other officials notice, no one as much as responded or took any action to have the killer apprehended. Although a grand jury indicted Dzurlic and an arrest warrant was issued on Jan 15th 1995, these authorities continued not only to stymie but actually sabotage the arrest and extradition of the murderer, thereby giving Dzurlic enough time once again to disappear, just as they had done right after Mary's murder. Captain Charles Wells and Detective Dennis Hickey told me that ADA Besunder used dilatory tactics at every opportunity to stymie the case. They also said, in disgust, that they “did not know the reason for his behavior and that all the hard work they had done may have been for nothing. If this were to continue the killer would be given another opportunity to disappear.” Of course, this is exactly what transpired. It is inconceivable that for the subsequent 12 years, these authorities did not notify Interpol or the FBI, even after it became known to them that this killer was murdering more women in almost the identical manner as he did my sister.

From 1991 to 1993 Mary's case was filed away and forgotten, until I started calling for information. Upon speaking to Sgt. Singleton I found him to be evasive and deceitful. When I asked if Interpol had been contacted to locate the fugitives, he gave me a cynical answer and asked me “HOW DO YOU DO THAT”? After this injustice and lack of empathy, I began a massive letter writing campaign, which was successful in getting the investigation into my sister’s murder reopened.

The cold case detective you cite as tracking down the killer (James Osorio) made a statement to the press, where he said I knew all along that he the killer was somewhere in the Balkans. He KNEW, yet he never involved the FBI or Interpol? Had he performed the most simple basic police it’s almost certain that the last two female victims would be still alive today. Had the NYPD and the DA done the most basic police work the killer would have been caught 17 yrs earlier and tried in an American court and 7 more women would be alive today. The truth is he got away with 8 murders, as he died shortly after going to prison, after spending a majority of his life as a free man.

Brooklyn DA Hynes and ADA Besunder continued to stymie this investigation despite the fact that the homicide detectives felt that there was solid and sufficient evidence to charge my sisters killer AND his accomplices. Yet these same two officials gave preferential treatment, going far beyond the call of duty when investigating and prosecuting Jewish murder cases. Although the evidence against my sister’s killers of Mary Beal initially was substantially stronger (8 pieces), than the evidence they had in the murders of Jewish victims (mostly Rabbis) DA Hynes Jon Besunder (also Jewish) and complicit members of the NYPD worked hard to convict the killer of Phyllis Lapine (Jewish). ADA Besunder pursued three separate trails to get that conviction, as the first two found the alleged killer innocent.

It is also important to note that DA Charles Hynes and his ADA's and complicit detectives were cited by judges for fabricating false evidence, against innocent men, in order to gain convictions in several cases which had Jewish victims. Hynes saw yet another opportunity to gain the Jewish vote and stood among the thousands of Hasidic Jewish mourning the murder of Rabbi Chaskel Werzberger. The Rabbi’s murder occurred months AFTER my sister’s murder. At that time DA Hynes and the NYPD assigned 40 detectives to investigate the Werzberger murder, then they pulled the one sole detective, Ken Whelan, assigned to investigate of my sisters murder and attempted to assign him to the Rabbis case as well. Whelan protested and locked horns with Sgt Dennis Singleton and was subsequently reassigned from Brooklyn homicide to Queens. Apparently Sgt Singleton, DA Hynes and ADA Besunder were too busy in their work to frame an innocent man David Ranta, for the Rabbis murder. Although there were 40 detectives involved at the end, they still couldn't find the real murderer and had to rely on a frame up to get a conviction!

Yet another example of how these racist authorities view and exploit non-Jewish victims is the case involving the selling of body part's involving New York's and New Jersey's Jewish Zionist elite (eventually included thirty five Rabbis, three mayors, several deputy mayors and other politicians. This organ scandal involved poor and disadvantaged gentiles as donors, while the recipients were mainly wealthy Jews in Israel. The Rabbis paid $10,000 to the donor and charged $160,000 to the recipients. Attorney Ralph Marra Jr. of New Jersey said average citizens don't have a chance against the culture of corruption unearthed. Likewise all the non Jewish victims of racial injustices by New York's Jewish criminal justice authorities don't have a chance against this same culture of corruption as my sister's murder case is just one example thereof with many multitudes of others.

Another example among others of misconduct and institutionalized racism by these same authorities, where Jewish Rabbis were murder victims is the case of Jabber Collins. Jabber Collins was framed as the murderer of one of these Jewish victims and served a long prison sentence before he finally received justice and was exonerated. This institutional racism favoring Jewish citizens remains the same as it has always been. The teachings of the Jewish bible of hate to victimize non Jews, the
Talmud, has not only been carried out with great zeal by the before mentioned Jewish Zionist authorities and their accomplices, it has gained in scope as U.S. Federal authorities have kept totally silent. The type of answers I have gotten from your office and the FBI only encourages such action further, as they have no cause to answer to any authority or fear prosecution. The DA for Brooklyn Charles Hynes considered by many to be the most corrupt DA in the U. S. was so smug in his belief that he is untouchable and unaccountable to any higher authority, that he openly stated that “Jewish Orthodox Abuse Suspect's get Exemptions”. He Said that Orthodox Jews are unique (Gods Chosen people and DA Hynes gets their votes) and therefore have their identity protected for child sex abuse cases.(See Orthodox Abuse suspects Get Exemption Copy Encl. ). Recently many non-Jewish citizens, were the victims of a new crime trend called the knockout game. This “game” has claimed 7 lives. No authority acknowledged that this “game” was based upon racism. The news media, Jewish activists, as well as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton all remained silent. Of course, that all changed once the Jews became victims, and then all authorities of New York the FBI and the DOJ became involved. This double standard is overly obvious to Americans and it is sickening.

Brother of Mary Beal

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