Monday 12 May 2014

Synopsis: Institutional Racism and the Demise of America, when victims rule

The two criminal zionist shills who are directly responsible

 for Mary Beal's killers to escape justice and go on and murder seven more  victims

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes presents Homicide 
Bureau Executive Assistant District Attorney Jon Besunder
with the Robert N. Kaye Memorial Award.

Dear New Yorkers and citizens of America,            

I believe that it is in the vital interest of all Americans to read this short synopsis. As citizens we should all be aware that democracy and equal justice under the law is quickly being taken away from us. For our sake and for that of future generations of Americans, I believe it is worth a few minutes of your time to read my agony. Even more so, I believe it is important that we all step forward and let our voices be heard. The news medias are to a large degree heavily biased, censored and under the control of a privileged racial minority. They are too political thus favoring certain local and national political groups and their agendas. I have therefore decided instead to bring this real life uncensored story to you directly by way of the American public.

It is in the interest of each and every American to know the shocking truth of who actually has life and death authority over you. It is in your interest to know who actually controls the criminal justice system in your hometown. You should also be aware that unless you are a part of a specific group you might not receive any justice at all, as either a suspect, a victim or as a family member.

My personal nightmare began in September of 1990 with the heinous murder and dismemberment of my sister Mary Beal. An Albanian named Smajo Dzurlic butchered Mary, in the Bronx. This sadistic killer, with a record of violent acts, was permitted to avoid arrest numerous times by the lack of action on the part of the NY criminal justice authorities. He could have easily been incarcerated, but instead he was permitted the freedom to go on and become an international serial murderer. The lack of professionalism and depraved indifference by these same authorities gave him the opportunity to escape justice for almost two decades and to kill and mutilate another seven women.

I have struggled for decades to achieve justice and closure in the case of my sister's murder. If these same NY authorities had investigated my sister's murder and sought her killer with the same veracity they have shown in denying me justice, these other seven victims may still be alive today.

On January fifth of this year the NY Times magazine printed an article titled, On the trail of an Intercontinental Killer. While well written, the article only explores the tip of the iceberg. The story contains substantial inaccuracies, the information given to the investigative reporter Nicholas Schmidle, by the office of DA Charles Hynes of King County and the NYPD was given with the intention to mislead the author in order to cast them in a better light. It is this sort of systematic and pathological dishonesty against which I have labored for twenty years.

I have written several letters both to the NY Times and to the investigative reporter Nicholas Schmidle concerning the inaccuracies in the article published. Being the brother of the murder victim I had first hand knowledge of the facts. I asked them both to write a correction. The NY Times never answered, while Schmidle did answer my letter. I gave him a detailed account of the fabrications given to him by DA Hynes and NYPD. He admitted that he always had serious reservations as to the accuracy of what he was told and that it was very troubling. He agreed that the rest and true version of the story needed to be told however, he had a full plate at the moment and could not devote the attention it required. He said there are many good investigative reporters who could devote the time to give the story the attention it deserved. To me this cop out made no sense. He is one of the best -known investigative reporters in the world, who had the exclusive on the story of the Bin Laden raid. Why this sheepish excuse and where was his professional pride? This certainly does not appear to be the son of a military general, who would instill in his offspring the pride of finding the truth and finishing what was started. Why this cowardly excuse? It finally struck me, by writing the truth Nicholas Schmidle would open himself to a wrath of forces even too powerful for him to contend with. It would blacklist him from ever writing for the NY Times again or for that matter any other major news media or journals, as he would be pegged recluse. To write the true untold version of this murder mystery would expose the fact that there exist untouchable members of a small racial and ethnic minority that are less then 3% of the U.S. population, yet they hold 90% of all key positions within the U.S. government. This small minority controls our nations government and thereby all Americans, yet their allegiance belongs to a foreign country. Any minority in any country wielding so much disproportionate power would be considered a grave security risk. In fact Hungary, to a much lesser degree, is struggling with this same abomination at this very time.

Unless you yourself are a dishonest member of such a sinister and criminal injustice system, pursuing your own hedonistic agenda while supposedly performing your duties as described by the “color of law” you are a victim of such a system. While many of you will find this hard to believe, the rest of us are victims of fraud and deceit so dark and despicable that it has taken me 21 terrible years to finally see how important it is for all of us to know the truth and to take action to protect ourselves, our families and our country from the hegemony responsible for taking away our democracy and our right to fair and equal treatment under the law.

All of the allegations contained in this letter are not only provable; they are ratified by the words of these very same corrupt public officials who naively seek to whitewash it. This, in your face, injustice is so openly blatant that it both baffles and insults a normal person's intelligence. If after reading this synopsis you still believe that the criminal justice authorities of New York work fairly, diligently and justly in the favor of their citizens, then you may also believe that Columbus was a hoax and the world is actually flat.

You need only switch on the television to be nauseated by the many examples of New York's Finest wading through police lines in order to beat up and to pepper spray peaceful demonstrators. What adds insult to injury is that they do not seem to care that the whole world is witnessing this brutality of their populace. These anti-heroes of the NYPD are encouraged and ordered to behave in such a manner by their high ranking superiors who take their orders from Commissioner Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg, who in turn answer to NY Attorney General Schneiderman and Governor Andrew Cuomo. Such mistreatment of New Yorkers and of American citizens at the hands of this corrupt, self-serving power structure is just a small example of what can be openly witnessed daily on the streets.

A deeper, underlying horror and injustice can only be known and experienced by those unfortunate citizens who have been either a victim of crime, the family of a murdered love one, or an innocent citizen deliberately and wrongfully incarcerated to serve the true agendas of this uncaring system. Mr. Jabbar Collins knows. Mr. Collins was framed for murder in order to appease the Jewish community (see article: Jabbar Collins: The Sins of Joe Hynes? Leonard Levitt, Feb 21, 2011). Captain William Plackenmeyer knows. Members of DA Hynes' office attempted to interfere with Captain Plackenmeyer's arrest and prosecution of a Jewish Rabbi (NY Times article dated July 4,2012, titled, “Police vs. Prosecutor in 94 Brooklyn Kidnapping case against a Jewish Rabbi”). I know because I am one of these individuals. I am sharing my personal experience with you in the hope that neither you nor your loved ones will ever have to walk in my shoes.

The list of evidence that DA Hynes and his office, as well as complicit members of the NYPD, conduct a process of institutional racism, under the color of the law granting protection of the law to members of the Jewish community while depriving other races of their rights is large and growing. An article recently appeared in the New York Daily News where the author of this article makes a statement which almost directly matches my earlier allegation of the inherent racism (adopting policies that result in the exclusion of members of a specific race) being practiced by the DA and his office ”What makes Hynes 'position indefensible is that while he has long protected Orthodox Jews accused of sex crimes, he has no hesitation releasing defendants' names in similar cases when it comes to other groups” (see article The selective justice of Charles Hynes, Arnold Kriss, New York Daily News, June 06, 2012).

The injustice being served up to the citizens of Brooklyn as justice is a shameful fallacy. It is without a doubt a place where justice and respect are reserved almost exclusively for a select race (which can best support his effort to remain in office) at the expense of all others. Perhaps a class action law suit will force action to ensure equal protection under the law for all citizens coming in contact with the King's County DA's office.

It appears to be a well documented fact that unless you are Jewish, well connected or wealthy, no matter how gruesome the murder, no matter how great your loss, there is little to no chance that the individual who murdered your loved one will ever be charged or prosecuted, if it is left to the actions of these corrupt, unfeeling authorities. The fact that the killer turns into a serial murderer and goes on to murder seven more victims will not phase the King's County DA and some unethical members of the NYPD. Is it truly any wonder that there have been over 10,000 unsolved murders in NY City in the last 20 years?

The cases where the criminal action and inaction of these authorities have negatively impacted the lives of so many Americans cannot be questioned, as new examples appear in the press almost weekly now. In my mind, no other criminal acts and obstruction of justice by these NY authorities, has done so much damage, cost so many lives; and, destroyed so many families as has their actions surrounding the murder of my sister.

The NY TIMES is a Jewish controlled media. The same can be said of almost all other media in the United States. Although I have written the NY Times regarding the inaccuracies of the story of my sisters murder and the serial murder of the 7 other victims, the editor of the story Ilena Silverman (also Jewish) for obvious reasons did not print a correction, as it would have exposed the Jewish Zionist agenda and who reigns over the criminal justice system of NY City. In other words they work together with these Zionists and print what is spoon-fed to them. With the New York news medias in there pocket, the Jewish Supremacists continue to control the criminal justice system of NY and thereby can continue their conspiracy by denying non Jews justice. They continue this pursuit of institutional racism feeling very confident that they will never be noticed or exposed. From time to time they insert scant articles, as the one where mayor Bloomberg criticized DA Hynes for showing favoritism to the Jewish community, giving the impression that they are not biased. They never did an in depth article, although they had full knowledge of the entire fiasco. This clever ploy has worked very well for them for such a long time.

President Obama took office determined to cut the Gordian knot of the Palestine-Israel conflict and restore American's battered image in the Islamic world. The president's effort to inject some balance into this issue, by calling on Israel to cease settlement building, was embarrassingly torpedoed by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who thanks to the all powerful Zionist Israeli lobby mobilized practically the entire US Congress in opposition. In all practicality, the President or the Congress does not dictate our US foreign policy, but instead the prime minister of a foreign country. Obviously, the American Jewish Zionist lobby is more concerned with promoting the interests of Israel rather than United States interests. Can you imagine the gall of the Israeli Prime Minister going on national TV advising, US citizens, for whom they should vote in our upcoming presidential election? If these actions continue down their present and historical path to war, let it be at the cost of the blood, economy and national prestige of Israel, not the US. Let the American Zionist Jews who make up 3% of the US population, yet have 25% of the entire US income and wealth, fund these costs of war in blood and fortune for their Israeli brothers. They have made it clear that they have more of an allegiance to them rather than to the US. Why should our soldiers do the dying and our economy suffers yet again to support such a selfish conniving group as this.

The interference of this Zionist movement does not stop with simply controlling our foreign policy or using the criminal justice system to their exclusive advantage while denying all other racial and ethnic groups justice; it feeds off of our economy as well. After all, it was the Zionist Jewish Lobby and the related banks of Madoff, Goldman Sachs, Lehmen Brothers, Solomon Brothers etc., who engineered America's economic demise and then proceeded to profit through the hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts. NY Mayor Bloomberg says that it still isn't enough. Is it still not enough to convince you? Then ask yourself why Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies all sought immunity in the Haggerty trial?
Just as the current president is being dictated to, by the all powerful Jewish lobby, so too Governor Andrew Cuomo takes his orders from the Jewish Zionist NY elite who run the criminal justice system of the city. All the highest criminal justice positions and deputy positions are occupied by Zionist Jews, for example, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his First Deputy Attorney General Harlan Levy, billionaire Mayor Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor Steve Goldsmith appointed by Bloomberg and ADA Jon Besunder.

When you come to see that these Zionist forces are controlling the New York Justice system, you can understand why DA Hynes and his senior ADA of homicide Jon Besunder are being so smug. They appear to have been given card blanche by the same officials to run a criminal organization under the color of law and obstruct justice any way they choose, as long as it supports the Jewish Zionist movement, its interests and the voting block it delivers. Despite all this abuse, involving so many victims, they have never been investigated, prosecuted, suspended or relieved of their positions for a day. The Jewish Zionist minority in America is a sacred minority and no criticism of them is to be tolerated. To merely disagree with them is to be branded as an anti Semite.

There is a long list of discriminatory laws against non-Jews in Israel including apartheid and racial cleansing. To pass a law makes an injustice legal and therefore acceptable. This practice is beyond absurd and against all principles of civilized humane behavior. Israel thumbs their nose against almost the entire world. This is where Zionist Jews are a majority. In the U.S. the non-Jews are a vast majority, yet a small minority of Jewish Zionists rule the majority.

I have untold copies of letters which I wrote to DA Hynes, ADA Besunder, Commissioner Kelly, Mayor Bloomberg, Attorney General Schneiderman, and Governor Cuomo simply asking them to assist me in obtaining police and trail records and transcripts. I am entitled to receive these documents under the FOIL act; however, because I currently live overseas I cannot easily access these agencies or the court. Not one of these individuals ever offered to lift a finger to help. I do know however a million and one reasons why none of these individuals are in a position to do anything to help a normal citizen such as me…such as you.

Recently it appears as though Mayor Bloomberg could no longer stand the media pressure he was receiving over this matter; therefore, in an interview to the NY Times he criticized DA Hynes for giving special and favorable treatment to the Jewish community over all the rest of us (NY Times article dated May 11,2012 titled “Bloomberg among critics of Prosecutor in Brooklyn”). Of course, this was the full extent of his action on this matter, because in his words he is powerless to take any action to correct this issue because Hynes is an elected official. How can we not see what a “cop-out” such a self-serving media statement is? In other words, yes there is a problem where one of the highest-ranking officials in the City of NY is forsaking his assigned duties in order to pursue a personal agenda. Yes, the actions of this individual and his office are infringing on the rights and justice of a majority of NYC's citizens, for the sake of a few. Poor Mayor Bloomberg is powerless to do anything about it but talk.

Mayor Bloomberg was not so powerless when he ordered Commissioner Raymond Kelly, whose police detectives worked collectively with DA Hynes and ADA Jon Besunder, to give special preferential treatment to members of the Jewish Community. Such a contrasting example is the fact that Besunder and the detectives worked diligently in high gear to solve the Phyllis Lapine murder case, while ignoring my sister’s case completely. They personally gave Ms. Lapine's family every assurance they would bring her killer to justice and provide closure to her family. None of that concern or action was ever given to my sister or to her family. Is this because Ms. Lapine was Jewish? Another case centers on the murder of Leiby Kletsky. DA Hynes' office did for the Kletsky family in a matter of weeks, that which they have not done for my sister's family in over 20 years. Again, is it just another coincidence that Kletsky was also Jewish?

All of this information points to one motivating factor, support of the Jewish community at the expense of all others. How can New York's highest criminal justice authorities, claim to be just if they are following this pattern of institutionalized racism, having made the shift from being the victim to being the aggressor. It is deeply unsettling that persons with such honored positions in our judiciary system do not believe in the founding principle of equal justice for all.

For an in depth study of Jewish preeminence in America visit the web site, “When Victims Rule”. It is particularly noteworthy that a large percentage of the writers are themselves Jewish. I concur with their assertion that continued denial of historical facts, by members or supporters of the Jewish community, serves no one's best interest, least of all their own (note: Israel Shahat, Israel Shamir, Alfred Lilienthal, John Sack, Norman Finkelstein and others of Jewish heritage are among the scholarly inspirations for this project). These courageous men are far away from the hegemonic and institutionalized Jewish hypocrisy.

Both Bloomberg and Kelly are fully aware of this situation and have never once acknowledged all the letters my lawyer and I have sent them over the last 2 decades. I don't count. I am not a member of their chosen people. I am simply an average American citizen, stationed overseas. Mayor Bloomberg, Commissioner Kelly, Attorney General Schneiderman and Gov. Cuomo can’t say my allegations never happened because there are so many witnesses and so much evidence. Their only defense is inaction supported by deafening silence in the hopes that we normal, average citizens won't notice it. Won't remember it. Won't act on it and it will go away. Don't let them be right.

If after you read this you find it shocking and wish to alert your relatives and friends to the dangers facing us all, then pass it on further. In the event you are a member of a news media, activist or political group promoting genuine equal and constitutional rights for all citizens and need further details in order to tell the true unbiased version of this untold story please contact me at the above email.

If you are a government employee or a member of law enforcement dealing with such injustices daily and your conscience is saturated with the taste of this bitter actus reus, shun the chains and let your voice be heard. The only way “we the people” can be heard is by exposing the evil within our ranks. In that case spread the word via friends, relatives and Internet media.

If you are a writer and are interested in writing a book, we can discuss this possibility. This is a book begging to be written. NY Times magazine wrote an 11 page article on it so they must have felt the story has merit. They however omitted the most critical details and the first half of the story in order to avoid exposing their involvement and also that of the NY politicians and complicit members within the NYPD in the criminal conspiracy of institutional racism. I have had a number of known authors interested in writing this book, however since I felt they could not remain totally unbiased I had no choice other then to decline their offer. The only thing I will insist on is that the truth be written regardless of the expected consequences of disclosing those who are involved and their motives.

In the event you are a member of a law firm and wish to initiate a class action lawsuit on behalf of New Yorkers against the NYPD and the DA, I will gladly share documentation of my allegations of institutional racism upon your request.  Should I become party to such a lawsuit and in the event of remuneration to me personally, I shall refuse any and all monetary awards and would in that case create a foundation for the benefit of victims of institutional racism within the New York Justice system.

brother of Mary Beal

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